is nobody who don't know this famous you must read
: 27December 1822,
born : Dole, France
: 28 September 1895
: He pioneered the study of molecular asymmetry; discovered
that microorganisms cause fermentation and disease; originated
the process of pasteurization; saved the beer, wine, and silk
industries in France; and developed vaccines against anthrax and
History :
academic positions were numerous, and his scientific accomplishments
earned him France's highest decoration, the Legion of Honour, as well
as election to the Académie des Sciences and many other
distinctions. Today there are some 30 institutes and an impressive
number of hospitals, schools, buildings, and streets that bear his
name—a set of honours bestowed on few scientists.
father, Jean-Joseph Pasteur, was a tanner and a sergeant major
decorated with the Legion of Honour during the Napoleonic Wars. This
fact probably instilled in the younger Pasteur the strong patriotism
that later was a defining element of his character. Louis Pasteur was
an average student in his early years, but he was gifted in drawing
and painting. His pastels and portraits of his parents and friends,
made when he was 15, were later kept in the museum of the Pasteur
Institute in Paris. After attending primary school in Arbois, where
his family had moved, and secondary school in nearby Besanon, he
earned his bachelor of arts degree (1840) and bachelor of science
degree (1842) at the Royal College of Besanon.
Research career
1843 Pasteur was admitted to the cole Normale Supérieure (a
teachers' college in Paris), where he attended lectures by French
chemist Jean-Baptiste-André Dumas and became Dumas's teaching
assistant. Pasteur obtained his master of science degree in 1845 and
then acquired an advanced degree in physical sciences. He later
earned his doctorate in sciences in 1847. Pasteur was appointed
professor of physics at the Dijon Lycée (secondary school) in 1848
but shortly thereafter accepted a position as professor of chemistry
at the University of Strasbourg. On May 29, 1849, he married Marie
Laurent, the daughter of the rector of the university. The couple had
five children; however, only two survived childhood.
after graduating from the cole Normale Supérieure, Pasteur became
puzzled by the discovery of the German chemist Eilhardt Mitscherlich,
who had shown that tartrates and paratartrates behaved differently
toward polarized light: tartrates rotated the plane of polarized
light, whereas paratartrates did not. This was unusual because the
compounds displayed identical chemical properties. Pasteur noted that
the tartrate crystals exhibited asymmetric forms that corresponded to
their optical asymmetry. He made the surprising observation that
crystalline paratartrate consisted of a mixture of crystals in a
right-handed configuration. However, when these crystals were
separated manually, he found that they exhibited right and left
asymmetry. In other words, a balanced mixture of both right and left
crystals was optically inactive. Thus, Pasteur discovered the
existence of molecular asymmetry, the foundation of stereochemistry,
as it was revealed by optical activity. Over the course of the next
10 years, Pasteur further investigated the ability of organic
substances to rotate the plane of polarized light. He also studied
the relationship that existed between crystal structure and molecular
configuration. His studies convinced him that asymmetry was one of
the fundamental characteristics of living matter.
theory of fermentation
1854 Pasteur was appointed professor of chemistry and dean of the
science faculty at the University of Lille. While working at Lille,
he was asked to help solve problems related to alcohol production at
a local distillery, and thus he began a series of studies on
alcoholic fermentation. His work on these problems led to his
involvement in tackling a variety of other practical and economic
problems involving fermentation. His efforts proved successful in
unraveling most of these problems, and new theoretical implications
emerged from his work. Pasteur investigated a broad range of aspects
of fermentation, including the production of compounds such as lactic
acid that are responsible for the souring of milk. He also studied
butyric acid fermentation.
all about Louise Pasteur,
sini akan saya jelaskan maksud dari blog saya ini^_^
diri Louise Pasteur
- Tanggal lahir : 28 Desember 1822
- Tempat lahir : Dole, Bagian Timur Perancis
- Meninggal : 28 September 1895 – usia 73 Tahun
- Riwayat kesuksesanSekolah Dasar : ArboisSekolah Menengah : Besanon dekatnya, ia meraih gelar sarjana seni (1840) dan gelar sarjana (1842) di Royal College of Besanon.Profesor : usia 26 Tahun, di Universitas Strasbourgpenemuan terbesar : tahun 1856, Universitas Lille (pasteurisasi)
- Penemuan : cara mencegah pembusukan makanan hingga beberapa waktu lamanya dengan proses pemanasan yang biasa disebut pasteurisasi
Pasteur, Jean-Joseph Pasteur, adalah seorang penyamak kulit dan
sersan utama selama Perang Napoleon. Fakta patriotisme yang kuat ini
mungkin ditanamkan di Pasteur muda yang kemudian . Louis Pasteur
adalah seorang mahasiswa berbakat dalam menggambar dan melukis.
Pastel Nya dan potret dari orang tua dan teman-teman, dibuat ketika
dia berumur 15 tahun, kemudian disimpan di museum dari Institut
Pasteur di Paris. Setelah menghadiri sekolah dasar di Arbois, dimana
keluarganya telah pindah, dan sekolah menengah di Besanon dekatnya,
ia meraih gelar sarjana seni (1840) dan gelar sarjana (1842) di Royal
College of Besanon.
1843 Pasteur dirawat di cole Normale Supérieure (perguruan tinggi
'di Paris), di mana dia menghadiri kuliah oleh ahli kimia Perancis
Jean-Baptiste Dumas-André dan menjadi asisten dosen Dumas. Pasteur
memperoleh gelar master ilmu pengetahuan pada tahun 1845 dan kemudian
memperoleh gelar unggul dalam ilmu fisika. Dia kemudian menerima
gelar doktor dalam ilmu pada tahun 1847. Pasteur diangkat guru besar
fisika di Lycée Dijon (sekolah menengah) pada 1848. Tak lama
sesudahnya menerima posisi sebagai profesor kimia di Universitas
Strasbourg. Pada tanggal 29 Mei 1849, ia menikahi Marie Laurent,
putri rektor universitas. Pasangan itu memiliki lima anak.
usia 26 tahun ia sudah menjadi profesor di Universitas Strasbourg,
kemudian ia pindah ke Universitas Lille dan di sana pada tahun 1856
ia melakukan penemuan yang berarti sangat besar bagi bidang
penelitian di bidang kimia, ia menguraikan permasalahan sifat asam
tartrat(1849). tesis doktor-Nya “kristalografi” menjadikannya
profesor kimia di universitas Strasbourg. Pada 1854, ia
diangkat Dekan Fakultas Sains di Lille University. Pada tahun 1857,
ia diangkat menjadi direktur ilmiah studi tentang École Normale
Supérieure. Selain itu, Pasteur juga meneliti berbagai jenis minuman
yang terkontaminasi mikroorganisme. Ia berhasil menemukan cara
mematikan bakteri yang ada di susu melalui proses pemanasan. Dia dan
Claude Bernard menyelesaikan tes pertama 20 April 1862. Proses
ini dikenal dengan istilah pasteurisasi. Pasteur mengusulkan cara
mencegah masuknya mikroorganisme ke dalam tubuh manusia dengan
mengembangkan metode antiseptik.
1870-an ia menerapkan metode imunisasi untuk penyakit anthrax,
sehingga membangkitkan minat para ilmuwan lain dalam memerangi
penyakit lain yang bersifat endemic. Pasteur juga menyempurnakan
vaksin rabies yang sebelumnya diciptakan Emile Roux. Vaksin ini
pertama kali digunakan pada Joseph berusia 9 tahun Meister pada 6
Juli 1885 setelah anak itu parah dianiaya oleh anjing gila. Hal ini
dilakukan pada beberapa risiko pribadi untuk Pasteur, karena ia bukan
berlisensi dokter dan bisa menghadapi tuntutan untuk mengobati anak
itu. Untungnya, pengobatan terbukti sukses spektakuler sehingga
Pasteur dipuji sebagai pahlawan dan tidak mendapat tuntutan hukum.
Keberhasilan pengobatan ini meletakkan dasar untuk pembuatan banyak
vaksin untuk berbagai penyakit seperti polio, cacar dan tetanus.
hari ulang tahunnya yang ke 70 para dokter dan ilmuwan dari seluruh
dunia berkunjung ke Paris untuk menghormatinya. Sejak tahun 1888
karya Pasteur dilanjutkan di Institut Pasteur di Paris. Kini institut
itu mempunyai cabang di 60 negara. Makamnya terdapat di bawah
Institut tersebut, jenazahnya dimasukkan ke dalam peti mati terbuat
dari marmer dan granit.
: Seratus Tokoh yang Paling Berpengaruh dalam Sejarah, Michael H.
Hart, 1978, Terjemahan H. Mahbub Djunaidi, 1982.